God is good, he gives you the words you need when you need them.
The mornings are a new start, a fresh perspective. I like mornings. When I am driving the bus, I talk to God before I pick up the kids. One morning I was doing just that and a thought came into my mind and the thought was "when you can't see your way, get on your knees and close your eyes", and I thought how interesting and through out the day that thought kept crossing my mind. Later that afternoon I had an appointment , with a friend and we talked for about a half an hour, then the conversation shifted to God. She said "and speaking about that, sometimes I just can't seem to see"...and I could hardly believe what she was saying. So I stopped her right there and and told her, if you can't seem to see , get on your knees and close your eyes.
God is good, he gives you the words you need when you need them.
If there is someone in your life that means the world to you and that relationship is off course for some reason, put aside your differences and make it right. Life is short and there are only so many days that we get to share. No one is perfect and we all need the grace of God. I know I am thankful for it everyday. I get it, that we just do not understand why some people do the things they do. I get it that we may not always agree on choices people make. Ultimately they will answer for their choices. God gives us all free will. He knows the outcome of our choices, good and bad. He tries to guide us in the right direction. It is our choices that takes us on the path we walk, good and bad. Love the people God gave you. He will want them back one day.
Today I am recovering from vacation, you know the feeling, when you get home, get everything carried in, taken care of and sit down, and think about all you did, and enjoyed. The feeling of, geesh, that was alot of work. I am very lucky because almost everything is already at our cottage. I am also very lucky that a few years ago we got a new washing machine, I mean what an up grade, all automatic, load size, temperature of water. Wow...I was so used to the wringer washer...Add all hot water, wash whites first, then towels and sheets, then colors, then darks, and by the time you got all that done the water had cooled off. On a good windy day the sheets would be dry in time for the darks to go on the line. This is a time when people had a sense of pride, for how things were done, making sure it was right. When things were built to last. Even relationships. Time was invested and shared, people were of value. Thinking back, I am very, very blessed. To have learned from people that were so hard working and of such good character, I hope I can pass it on. The value of hard work, good character and caring about people. i have great memories of this vacation, thanks to the people in my life.
So today I would like to tell you that I love the outdoors and being at the lake. I love swimming and boating. I think of all the time that I had spent with my family at our cottage and all they taught me about being a good person, caring about nature, enjoying the company of the people that God gave us. Just spending time making dinner and enjoying sitting down to the table, a time to reflect on the day with the people closest in our life. After dinner sitting, visiting, watching people fishing, or fishing our selves. Waiting for the sunset. Hoping for another beautiful day tomorrow. Always thankful.
June 2017
AuthorHi, I am Kim and I am one of the ladies that started a journey of essential oils. I very much like spending time with them and learning what they are doing with their oils. I enjoy gardening, cooking, doing crafts of all kinds. I love yard sales and antiques, I know that I get that from my Mom and Grandma. I love my God, family and friends and essential oils. Categories |